TransUnion Credit Report Pull

The ability to import Credit Reports along with a Credit Score via the TransUnion API has been added.

A new action, Pull Credit Report is displayed in the LMA / Creditors tab for members of LMAAdministrator and DMAAdministrator.

Pulling the Credit Report via API performs the following functions:

  • saves the TransUnion XML response string as a new ClientDoc.
  • updates the Client’s Credit Score
  • Adds ClientCredit records for all accounts that do not have a remarks of CLOsed or INActive. Accounts with a balance of $0 are imported with an account status of CLOSED


Account setup with TransUnion is required prior to using the feature.

Projected Months automatically updated for Leads

In order for the NH Monthly Fee to be correctly computed, the estimated program term in months must be set for Leads. Previously, Projected Months was manually set by the user.

Projected Months is now automatically set whenever a ClientCredit record is updated for a Lead in the LMA. This value will now match estimated program lengths displayed on the Contracts.

DMP Monthly Fee projectedMonths parameter for NH

In order to comply with the NH DMP Monthly Fee rule, a new Monthly Fee Schedule parameter, projectedMonths, has been added.

This value is set in the Client / Admin tab and should be manually entered for all NH Clients.



V. The licensee’s fees shall be based on the total indebtedness as stated in the contract and shall not exceed:
(a) 10 percent when the plan of payment is for a period of 10 months or less; or
(b) 12 1/2 percent when the plan of payment is for a period of more than 10 months but less than 18 months; or
(c) 15 percent when the plan of payment is for a period of 18 months or more.

The following formula can be used for the NH Monthly Fee schedule:

NH:MIN:0,MAX:60,FORMULA:projectedMonths <= 10 ? payment*0.10 : (projectedMonths < 18 ? payment*0.125 : payment*.15)

The ternary operators “? :” are used to specify conditional logic and the formula can be read as this:

if projectedMonths <= 10 then use 10% of payment, else  if projectedMonths < 18  use 12.5% of payment, else use 15% of payment

The DMP Fee calculator now includes a Projected Months field.


Extranet Contact Information

Step1 of the Extranet now displays the Client Date of Birth when showing the SSN.

CoApps information is also displayed but not required.


Using the Settings tab, Clients can now update their address information and and phone numbers.






Custom Report Filters

CMA Reports/Views that have more than 4 filters allow you to save the current filters so that they can be recalled at another time.


To save the current filters, click on the Select a Custom Filter drop down and select Save current settings as a new Filter.

An input box appears to name the filter. Click on Save

To remove an existing custom filter, select the filter and click on Delete.


To rename a filter, delete the existing filter and then add a new one with the current settings.

Report Filters are specific to individual User accounts.

PBX Call Recording Playback

When a call recording is made in the FreePBX system, a playback icon appears in the Duration column of the Call Log in the CMA.

The recordings are either played back directly from the PBX or they are proxied via the CMA.

Recordings may be proxied through the CMA when firewall restrictions are in place on the PBX.

The following fields have been added to the PBX records in order to specify settings for the playback of recordings.

Recording URL: The URL of the PBX where recordings are stored. /getRecordings.php is appended to this URL

Playback Directly: from PBX If N, the call log recording is proxied through the CMA. This is useful if firewall rules on PBX block access to http port.

Auto RPPS BillerID matching

ClientCredit records can now be automatically linked with RPPS BillerIDs by clicking on Autofill BillerIDs.

A match will only occur if the Biller Account Mask contains more than 2 literal characters. Generic matching patterns are ignored as these could result in incorrect matches.


If the search returns Biller Masks with insufficient literal characters, a manual search is required and an appropriate message is displayed. The manual search can be performed by clicking on the search icon.


If no matches are found with the given account number, a message is also displayed:


When a match is found, the Biller names are displayed next to the BillerIDs:

USPS API Integration for city, state, zip lookup

The CMA is now integrated with the USPS API to perform city, state or zip lookup.

To lookup City and State by Zip, the Client’s City field must be blank. Enter a zip code and then change focus to the City field by either tabbing to it or clicking on it. The city will automatically be populated.


To lookup Zip, the Client’s Address, City, and State fields must have a value. Give focus to the Zip field. If a value is found, the 5+4 zip code is populated.

Update DMP Response Date for manual Proposals

The DMP Response Date was previously only set after importing RPPS returns.

The Response Date is now updated for manual DMPs automatically.

This occurs when the Proposal Status changes from an original value of [Queued or Pending] to a status other than [Queued or Pending].

Specify account to receive Extra Funds

The following changes allow prioritization of the ClientCredit account that receives extra funds when Disbursements are automatically generated. This applies to Clients with Monthly Payments and not Clients with Split Payments.

New field: Default Extra Funds


When set to Yes, a message is displayed in the Monthly column.

When closing an account that has the value set to Yes, the following is displayed:

When generating Disbursements, extra funds that can be allocated will be added to the specified account.


DMP Proposal Generation DST Adjustment

The DMP Proposal Generation view computes a Can Send DMP On date. This date determines when a proposal can be sent to Creditors. When the first or next Disbursement date occurs after a Daylight Saving Time adjustment, the computed date fell at 11pm the previous day.

e.g. when the Can Send DMP On date should fall on 02/24/2018, 02/23/2018 11pm was being computed. Because the hour is not displayed in the column, it appeared that the proposal should be available to transmit on 02/23/2018.

The logic has been updated to add 1 hour to the Can Send DMP On date to fix the issue.

In addition, there is a new Notice icon that details when a Proposal cannot be transmitted. The Error column has been combined into the checkbox column.


Send automatic email when generating Quarterly Statements

There is a new optional Setting variable that can be used to specify a DocumentTemplateID to automatically email to Clients when generating the Quarterly Statement. Example uses include a notice pointing the Client to the Extranet or the Quarterly Statement itself.

To use this option, under System Management/System Settings, set the value of DOCUMENTTEMPLATEID_DMA_QUARTERLY_STATEMENT_EMAIL to the DocumentTemplateID of the email to be sent to Clients when the system generates the Quarterly Statement.

Creditor Alias displayed in LMA

Creditor Aliases are now displayed in the Creditor dropdown within brackets [] in the LMA. The Aliases are searchable.

When searching for a Creditor, e.g. “ge money”, all Creditors that have that value within their Alias are displayed.

Aliases are specified in the DMA/Creditor section.

Manager Report Export View

The Manager Report now has an Export View button that will export the contents of the view.

This is in addition to the Export Client Information as CSV  Action which generates a file with Client address and Creditor information.

Zip column as also been added.


New Task functionality

Starting with version 10 of the CMA, a list of new features will be detailed on this site. Please check back to see what’s new.

New Task Functionality

In order to provide the capability for a more customized workflow experience, the following modifications have been made to Task functionality in the CMA.

  • Ability to add/delete custom Tasks (Tasks cannot be deleted if there are existing ClientTasks linked to them — they must be unused). Custom Tasks begin with an ID of 1001 to differentiate from existing Tasks
  1. Specify which Tasks are “System Tasks” — Tasks that are hardcoded into the source code for a variety of reasons. Examples are Paperwork, Disbursement Failures, Requests, etc.
  2. New drop down of available Icons
  3. A Task can be its own Parent (Self Parent) if it already has another Parent Task. This is useful for recurring tasks like Account Auditing and Balance Verification.
  4. Specify a list of Tasks to automatically close upon Task creation
  5. Specify a list of Tasks to automatically close upon Task completion
  6. Ability to specify a Default Note that is included in all Tasks of this type. Useful for predefined checklists.
 For a full list of changes, please refer to the Changelog within the CMA.

Manager Report

In addition, any Task may now be added to multiple Clients via the Manager Report. The list of available Tasks is determined by the current application, LMA or DMA.
To facilitate the creation of tasks for Clients with outdated Confirmed Balances, there is a new column Oldest Confirmed Balance.